Making A New Window With JavaScript



Making a new window open with JavaScript is fairly simple. In fact, it only requires one command:""). This will likely open a new tab. If you would like to open a new window, customize its dimensions and attributes the .open() function takes several parameters as well.

Here is a quick example of how I used in one of my projects.

The Code

function openTagWindow(tag) {
    // Opens a new window for user to add more tags
    let params = `width=800, height=400, menubar=no, toolbar=no, left=100, top=100`'/users/add-' + tag, 'Add tags', params);

In an effort to DRY my code, I made a function to open a new window that takes an argument that will direct it to open a specific page. One of the first things I needed to figure out about the function is that if the window size is not specified, a new tab will be opened instead of a new window. For my use case, I wanted a new window to open, so the first two items in the params variable are to set the window dimensions.

The rest of the items that make up the params variable are straightforward. They remove the menubar and toolbar, and finally specify where the window opens. In my case I designated it to open 100 pixels down and to the right from the top left corner.

Thanks for reading!

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